Saturday, April 01, 2006

Wiener-Rubenstein Memorial Day 1

This weekend, I am playing in the Wiener-Rubenstein Memorial at All The King's Men. The tournament is five rounds of G/75. After the first day, I am 2-1. My brain felt tired all day, and I found myself in ridiculous time trouble all three games. I predict that the same will happen in both of tomorrow's games. I would like to thank Ben and Kelly for giving me a ride today, and thank the Shetties for giving me a ride tomorrow.

In Round 1, I was Black against Jason Dobry. The opening was a c3-Sicilian by transposition. The game was going along fine, but White started to find himself in trouble after 18. Nc5.

The game continued 18...Bg6 (threatening Bxc5 followed by Nd3+) 19. O-O, and now Black won material with 19...Ra8 20. Bb6 Nc4. The game concluded 21. N5a4 Nxb6 22. Nb5 (22. Nxb6 Bc5+) Rxa4 0-1

In Round 2, I was White against Kelly Finegold. The opening was an Alekhine's Defense that transposed into a Scandinavian Defense. After 15 moves, I found myself with a position that I liked.

The temptation was too great -- I played 16. Nfxg5. But then Kelly surprised me with 16...Nd5. Oops, it's tough when I can't see one move ahead. I tried to complicate the position with 17. Bxd5 exd5 18. Nf3. The idea was to get three pawns and an attack for the Knight (18...dxe4 19. dxe4 Queen moves 20. Qxh6). Black declined the piece with 18...Kh7 and remained a pawn down. I won a Knight vs. Bishop endgame in a time scramble. 1-0

In Round 3, I was White against John Brooks. The opening was an f4-Sicilian. I was able to liquidate into a favorable rook ending.

I was happy with my position here, but somehow I lost the game 0-1. I will need to conduct a thorough investigation and make sure it never happens again :)

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